Frequently Asked Questions

We're glad you're here! We know you might have some questions about how Chronologies works, so we've put together this FAQ page to help you out. We've included answers to some of the most common questions we get, but if you have a question that's not covered here, feel free to reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to help.

We hope this page helps you get the most out of Chronologies. Happy timelines building!

What features can I use for free right now?

Right now, you can use all features of Chronologies for free! This means you can create, customize, and collaborate on timelines, and even make them public. Some features, such as the ability to add collaborators, have aPublic previewbadge next to them. This just means that we're testing these features out and they may change in the future.

Will any features require a paid subscription?

We are currently exploring the possibility of requiring a paid subscription for certain advanced, yet to release features, but we will always ensure that the way we do it will be fair and beneficial for the users. However, at this time, all features of Chronologies are available for free.

I did not receive a confirmation link during sign up, what should I do?

If you did not receive a confirmation link during sign up, please check your spam folder. If the email is not in your spam folder, please reach out to us through our contact page and we will assist you with the confirmation process.

How do I edit or delete an entry on a timeline?

To edit or delete an entry on a timeline, navigate to the timeline page by clicking on the "See timeline" link of the corresponding timeline on the timeline overview page. Once on the timeline page, you will see a list of all the entries on the timeline. You can edit an entry by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the entry and delete an entry by clicking on the "Delete" button.
Note that if you are visiting a public timeline, that you do not own, you will not be able to edit or delete entries.

How do I invite collaborators to a timeline?

To invite collaborators, go to the settings page of the timeline you want to collaborate on. On the "Collaborators" section, you can add email addresses of the people you want to invite. Once you've added the email addresses, click on "Add" and the collaborators will be able to access and contribute to the timeline immediately, as long as they have an account with this email. If they don't, they need to sign up first.

How do I set a timeline as public?

To set a timeline as public, go to the settings page of the timeline you want to make public. On the "General" section, you will find a checkbox labeled "Make this timeline public". Check the box to make your timeline public, uncheck it to make it private. Once you have made your timeline public, anyone can view it, however, only the owner and collaborators can make changes to it.

How do I change the sorting order of entries on a timeline?

To change the sorting order of entries on a timeline, go to the settings page for that timeline by clicking the settings icon next to it on the timelines overview page. In the General section, you will find the option to sort the entries by date ascending or descending. Simply select your preferred sorting order and click save. Entries will be sorted according to the selected order on the timeline page.

What should I do if I receive a "Timeline storage limit reached" error?

If you encounter the "Timeline storage limit reached" error message while uploading to a timeline, it means that you have reached the 100MB storage limit per timeline for that particular timeline under the free tier. To resolve this issue, please reach out to us via our contact form. We will assist you in managing your storage or exploring potential upgrades to ensure you can continue building your timeline without interruptions.

What should I do if I receive an "Account storage limit reached" error?

If you receive the "Account storage limit reached" error message, it indicates that you have exceeded the 500MB storage limit for your account on the free tier. To address this issue, please contact us using the contact form. We will assist you in managing your storage or exploring potential upgrades to ensure you can continue building your timeline without interruptions.

How do I import my timelines from GitKraken timelines?

You can import your timelines from GitKraken Timelines into Chronologies. Under the settings of a timeline, go to the Import section and select the .json file that you exported from GitKraken timelines. If you had any annotations in your timeline, you can choose to create entries for them by checking the "Create entries for annotations" checkbox. Two entries will be created for every annotation: one for the start date and one for the end date, prefixed with 'Start: ' and 'End: ' respectively.

Note that GitKraken Timelines has been sunset, so it is no longer possible to export timelines from the service. However, we understand that some users may still have access to their previously exported .json files and may want to import them into Chronologies.

How do I reset my password?

If you have forgotten your password or need to reset it for any other reason, you can do so easily on our website. Simply go to the reset password page and enter the email address associated with your account. We'll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you don't receive an email from us within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. If you're still having trouble resetting your password, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to help you out.

How do I change my password?

If you're a logged-in user and would like to set a new password, simply go to the set new password page . Once there, you'll be able to enter your desired new password in the provided text field, and then click the 'Set new password' button to save your changes. That's it!

Can I update my email within my Chronologies profile?

Absolutely! With the new Profile feature, you have the flexibility to change your email and password directly from your profile settings. Take control of your account details with ease. Additionally, you can now personalize your profile by adding more personal information, such as your name.

Is all text on the Chronologies website generated by an AI?

Yes, most of the content on Chronologies is generated by AI models, specifically natural language generation models. This includes the FAQ page, some of the timeline entries, and other parts of the site. We also use machine learning technologies for implementation support. However, our team of human experts carefully curates and reviews all generated content to ensure its accuracy and relevance. We are committed to providing high-quality, trustworthy information to our users, and we believe that our use of AI can help us achieve that goal in an efficient and effective manner. If you have any concerns or questions about our use of ML models, please feel free to contact us.

Can I export my timeline to PDF?

Yes, you can export your timeline to PDF for a neatly formatted printout. To do this, use the following keyboard shortcuts for your operating system:

Windows: Press Ctrl + P, then select "Save as PDF" as your destination.
Mac: Press Cmd + P, then choose "Save as PDF" from the destination options.
This allows you to generate a PDF version of your timeline for easy printing or sharing.